A Salamanders Blog

This site is a lore, modeling, and painting guide based around the XVIII Legion.


Monday, March 5, 2012

Modeling Materials

Sculpting Materials
Sculpting materials are those that you use to fill gaps in models, create new elements for your models, and to create depth and the impression of an environment.

Green Stuff is GW's very well known epoxy fill, its expensive for what it is but is also very good, has a long drying time, and is easy to work with. Its best used only for the very fine detail stuff, and your better off getting similar alternatives from other retailers. But I still tend to use the GW Green Stuff.

Selleys KneedIT Multipurpose is a readily available plumbers epoxy that sets in minutes and is sand-able in 15-20 min.  Make sure you don't get the Steel version as that will set like metal and is almost impossible to work with. I use it for large models (IE Superheavies) as a bonding agent and extensively for giving depth and variation to the terrain for bases.

A side note here, the Selley's Kwik Grip shown there I use extensively for large models where you want to have a little bit of give in the joins where a fixed joint would likely crack over time. An excellent example of this is the ball joints in Titan hips.

Lastly using copper etched decals is a great way to provide some personalty to models and make them unique. On larger models they help to break up surfaces and allow for a higher degree of detail in iconography.

Basing Materials
Basing materials vary greatly based on the environment you are trying to portray. Is it a ships deck, or a cityscape, or some dirty dusty backwater infested with Tyranids? Each will have different material requirements to match its theme.

Typically its easier to start with out door areas, and they scale well as you add further detail. Find some loose shale or break down some rocks with a hammer till you get some reasonably small pieces that will fit well on the bases.

You want a mix of fine sand, coarse sand and some small pebbles to give you a mix of textures.

After painting you want to add some other 'organic' materials using flock or pre made tufts. Scenic Kits will also go a long way to helping you introduce some realism into your bases. The Secret Weapon materials are particularly nice and high quality.

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