A Salamanders Blog

This site is a lore, modeling, and painting guide based around the XVIII Legion.


Thursday, May 10, 2012

An Introduction to the Salamanders

XVII Legion
Salamanders Chapter Livery.jpg
Black Dragons
"Into the fires of battle, unto the Anvil of War!"
Green, Black and Gold

"Into the fires of battle, unto the Anvil of War"

The Salamanders warcry tells you the core of what the XVII Legion belives. Salamanders live and die by fire on their death world of Nocture covered in magma and flame. Their missing primarch Vulkan is credited with saying “On the Anvil of War are the strong tempered and the weak made to perish, thus are men's souls tested as metal in the forge's fire.”

Every Salamander is first a smith, capable of maintaining and improving their equipment which accounts as much as their own forge ship for highly customized weaponry based around their affinity for heat and fire, melta and flamer.

The Salamanders believe that only through battle can be prove their worth, and one day hope to prove themselves and find their way through the clues left by Vulkan to find key artifacts for their survival and to bring Vulkan home again.

Chapter Ethos
The Salamanders as a Chapter are unusually concerned with civilian casualties compared to most other Space Marines and believe that one of their most important duties is to protect the lives of the man. Salamanders' have unusually close connections to the Nocturnean people, as they are one of the only Chapters of Astartes who continue to interact with their people after their transformation into Space Marines. It is not uncommon for Salamanders to serve as a clan leader among the Nocturneans and live with them when Chapter business does not require him to remain at the Chapter's fortress-monastery on Nocturne's moon of Prometheus. The Salamanders believe in protecting civilians so strongly that they have fought with other marine chapters, and have volunteered for dangerous rear guard actions to ensure civilians can escape, when all other chapters refused.

The Promethean Cult governs the beliefs of the Salamanders, placing great emphasis on self-reliance, loyalty, and self-sacrifice. These values stem from their training as smiths. The Promethean Cult calls on its followers to emulate the deeds and be true to the teachings of their Primarch Vulkan. They hold a firm belief in isolationism, the tenet that only through spiritual meditation and exploration performed alone and in isolation from others can a person gain a true understanding of both themselves and how they can best honor the legacy of Vulkan and serve the will of the Emperor. Prometheans make use of fire in many of their rituals and ceremonies and believe that they must be cleansed by the pain of fire before every major undertaking or initiative. Promethean believers also hold sacred the words of the ancient ritual book known as the Canticle of Immolation, which is often read by Salamanders Chaplains during the Chapter's various ceremonies. It is not uncommon for Salamanders Space Marines to engage in ritual scarring by branding and burning.

Those Salamanders facing advanced age, crisis of belief, or a lack purpose will sometimes choose to undertake a ritual known as the Burning Walk. The Battle-Brother departs dressed only in robes, and with a walking staff, to travel the deserts of Nocturne until their crisis is resolved and they return. Few who undertake the walk are ever seen again.

The primary symbol of the Salamanders is the salamander, the fire drake native to Nocturne. The reptilian salamanders after which the Chapter are named can live very long lives indeed; the oldest and most legendary drakes are revered in the Chapter's legends, such as the mighty Kessare whose hide is now worn by the Forgefather Vulkan He'stan

The hammer, sometimes called Vulkan's Sigil, the forge and the anvil are also important symbols for Prometheans due to the importance of smithing in Nocturnean culture.

Achievements and honors are recorded in brands upon the flesh of each Salamander. These scars represented a living history of the Salamanders' many conflicts. Only the most senior Veterans of the Chapter, a Salamander with centuries of service, ever bore honor markings on their faces, as their entire bodies were covered in honor marks. Chapter Master Tu'Shan is said to possess so many of these honor marks that he has run out of room on his flesh and instead has to have fresh honors marked directly onto his battle-plate.

Pilots are the only warriors in the Chapter who may ritually scar their faces before the rest of their bodies, for pilots will traditionally brand the Dactyl's Sigil on their faces, the symbol of the Dactyl, an avian predator native to Nocturne. Captain Dac'tyr of the 4th Company bears a particularly large and detailed sigil as befits his rank as the Chapter's Master of the Fleet.

Chapter Structure
While the Salamanders is a Codex Astartes chapter they do not literally follow the Codex like the Ultramarines. The Salamanders are organized into 7 great companies alighted to the 7 great walled cities of Nocturne. Each company holds 120 Battle-Brothers instead of the usual 100 with the 7th Scout company being a small company of scout marines.

The Fire Drakes (1st Company) is lead by the Regent Tu'Shan. The Salamanders Chapter-Master is their Primarch, Vulkan, and he will remain until the Salamanders find proof of his death. The Fire Drakes act as the honor guard for Regent Tu’Shan and rarely deploy with other Salamanders unless an artifact of Vulkan may be found. The 1st Company contains 120 Veteran Battle-Brothers with every technology the chapter can muster at their disposal.

Support: Dreadnoughts, Rhinos, Razorbacks, Land Raiders, Terminator Squads
Company Colours: White salamander head on black left shoulder

The 2nd, 3rd, and 4th companies are the Salamanders Battle Companies that are deployed on campaigns. They contain a mix of 7 Tactical, 3 Devastator, and 2 Assault squads with Rhinos, Razorbacks, Assault Bikes, and Land Speeders in support.

2nd Company
Captain: Pellas Mir'san
Company Colors: White salamander head on black left shoulder
3rd  Company
Captain: Adrax Agatone, Master of the Arsenal
Company Colours: Orange salamander head on black left shoulder
4th Company
Captain: Dac'tyr, Master of the Fleet, Lord of the Burning Skies
Company Colours: Green salamander head on black left shoulder

The 5th, and 6th Companies are the Reserve Companies that are deployed to support the Battle-Companies should they find trouble so great that one company is insufficient. They are geared for overwhelming firepower and contain 8 Tactical and 4 Devastator squads with a combination of Rhinos and Razorbacks for transport.
5th Company
Captain: Mulceber
Company Colours: Black salamander head on yellow left shoulder

6th Company
Captain: Drakgaard
Company Colours: Green Salamander head on yellow left shoulder

The 7th Company is the Scout Company and contains 6 Scout squads preparing for their role as Battle-Brothers. Their captain is the venerated Sol Ba’ken, the Master of Recruits. They are rarely deployed, but when they are they are rarely seen without their bikes and Land Speeders.

Captain: Sol Ba'ken, Master of Recruits
Company Colours: Black salamander head on white left shoulder

Relics of Vulkan
No lore of the Salamanders would be complete without the relics of Vulkan. Vulkan left behind nine relics of advanced technology crafted or designed by his own hand for his prodigy to find and wield if they proved worthy. The Primarch purposely hid these artifacts throughout the galaxy to prevent them from falling into the wrong hands, but also because he knew that even the grandest prize was as nothing were it to be seized without challenge. The Salamanders have appointed one from amongst their number to seek the lost legacy of their Primarch who is known as the Forgefather. This quest has been handed down through the Forgefathers, the greatest heroes within the Chapter, who are always gifted with the name of the Primarch before their own. The Forgefathers seek across the galaxy for the artifacts of Vulkan by deciphering the clues the Primarch left behind. Of the missing artifacts only the names are known.

1st Co. Veteran.jpg
·        Spear of Vulkan - a master-crafted relic spear
·        Kesare's Mantile - Drakescale cloak
·        Gauntlet of the Forge - Mastercrafted Hand-Flamer
·        Chalice of FIre - Forgeship orbiting Prometheus
·        Eye of Vulkan - Defence Laser on Prometheus

·        Engine of Woes
·        Obsidian Chariot
·        Unbound Flame
·        Tome of Fire

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